          【台灣地位美日合演?】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.05.21) st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Remark】 網友eachouchen的回應,常常很有趣。這是震聾啟聵的他山之石,因此翻譯並轉貼。題目是我自己加的。 【台灣地位美日合演?】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.05.21) 為何日本要在簽署SFPT近50年 東森房屋後的今天忽然間宣布台灣的真正地位?為何要選在這時刻這樣做?日本外務省(在國會詢答)的正式聲明,是否意謂台灣議題不僅是小小的法律訴訟,而是牽涉極廣的國際醜聞,和忽視人權與國籍的事物。 齋藤在2009年提及此事,到底是各人意見或是官方聲明?又為何齋藤選在2 新成屋009年上半美國上訴法院台灣地位是基於SFPT而定,以及台灣人至今無國籍判決後,立即發表此一看法? 馬英九難道不知道在台灣的「ROC流亡政府」沒有合法權利管理台灣?假使馬一無所知,為何馬要請人撰寫「有關ROC流亡政府在台灣的合法性是基於開羅宣言」的文章? 我們可以回溯1999年,當時 租屋網Jeffrey Geer與Richard Hartzell開始著手研究台灣是美國第六個海外領土?為何美國人已經發現這一秘密,卻還要任令台灣人控告美國? 這是否表示由美國主導?而且日本也支持這場戲?台灣是美日的戲偶?其目的在永遠取消在台灣的「ROC流亡政府」?中國對此不置一詞,光看美日重新控制台灣? (編者加:到底是哪一個? 酒店兼職) Why it takes more than fifty-eight years after signed SFPT for Japan to announce the real status of Taiwan suddenly? And why it picks this particular time? Does this official statement of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Japan mean that Taiwan 's issue is not one small group of Taiwanese's Lawsuit but 房屋二胎one international scandal and negligence of human rights and nationality? Was Mr Saito speaking this matter in 2009 personal opinion or official statement? And why Mr Saito spoke this immediately after the opinion of the US Appeal Court saying that Taiwan status is based on SFPT and Taiwanese have no nationality in early 2009? Did Ma 西服 know ROC-government-in-exile on Taiwan has no legitimate right to administrate Taiwan ? If Ma did not know anything at all, why Ma had to ask someone to write the article regarding the legitimate right of ROC-government-in-exile on Taiwan based on Cairo Declaration? Can we trace this back to 1999 when Jeff Geer and Richard Hartzell began to initiate that Taiw 小型辦公室an is the six major US overseas territory? Why American have discovered this mystery and need to found Taiwanese to conduct the lawsuit against USA ? Is this show run by the USA ? Is Japan the supportive character of this show? Is Taiwan only the puppy to be played by USA and Japan ? Is the purpose of this show to get rid of ROC-government-in-exile on Taiwan forever? Is China 婚禮佈置do and say nothing in the show but only sees USA and Japan re-control Taiwan again?(2010.05.21) table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 【相關閱讀】 【剩餘主權與台灣臨時政府】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.05.31) 【剩餘主權】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.06.02) 【RO 信用貸款C─金馬─TCG】 ●eachouchen / 雲程譯(2010.05.28) 美國官員的訓練 eachouchen / 雲程譯2010.05.08 台灣地位美日合演 eachouchen / 雲程譯2010.05.21 台灣地位中國早知仍裝蒜 eachouchen / 雲程譯2010.05.10 法的位階與三權 eachouchen / 雲程譯2010.05.20 流亡政府簽和平協定之後呢 eachouchen / 雲程譯2010.06.15 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 商務中心  .

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